

Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 22nd February 2022 in the basement community room, we will be looking to approve the following policies which we ask that all residents review before the meeting:

  1. ASCO Business continuity plan
  2. ASCO Code of conduct
  3. ASCO Code of Governance 2021
  4. Risk Management Strategy

We will also be asking the Members to approve the Audited accounts for the year ending 31.03.2021 and the current contractors list which can be viewed below:

Audited accounts 20-21

Approved contractor and supplier list Jan 2022

You can also find some other useful documents below:

  • Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting

ASCO RGM Minutes 02.02.2021

    • Minutes of last General Meeting

ASCO GM Minutes 29.06.2021

Minutes of previous GM’s:

ASCO GM Mins 16.04.2019

ASCO 20.08.2019


ASCO GM Mins 16.04.2019

ASCO MC minutes 27.11.2018

ASCO RGM 9.10.2018

ASCO GM minutes 07.08.2018

ASCO GM Minutes 27.03.2018